
How to uninstall a module/widget, JaxCore or Rainmeter

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Uninstalling a Module/Widget

  1. Open Core and navigate to the Library page, then select a module/widget from the list.

  2. Got to the Info page and click on Debug actions, then click Uninstall

  3. Follow through the pop-up that appears and you're done.


I've put a lot of work into JaxCore, so it's really sad to see you go😓!

If you're experiencing problems with JaxCore, you can search for related issues at FAQs, or create an issue on the Github repository / help thread on the Discord server 🤗!

  1. Find Rainmeter in Apps & Features (Windows settings) and click uninstall

  2. Tick all check-boxes

  3. Press uninstall

Last updated

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