Modules FAQs


Why does the module not show up?

Refer to introduction

Why doesn't the module work?

Make sure the module is activated first. Check the toggle button located at the top of the sidebar in the module's settings.

How can I change the position of modules?

Head to the Position settings via the sidebar, and change the options here

  • Padding refers to the space that exists between the module and the screen border in pixels.

  • Monitor index refers to which monitor the module is located at

  • Use the direction boxes to change where the module is aligned to, relative to the screen

Can I make clones of modules?

Unfortunately not. Part of the module is hard-coded to itself, so clones of modules will not function.

How do I set the hotkey to XXX?

Click on the option which changes the hoktey, most often in the general settings. It will show a popup which looks like the following:

Navgiate this popup from top to bottom.

  1. Focus on the hotkey field (The None box)

  2. Press the hotkey that you want. If it contains a key listed below the box, click any other key first. (For example, if you want alt+space, pressalt+s first)

  3. If your desired hotkey contains a key listed in the second section, check the radio button, else simply skip this section. (Continuing example, click on the button for Space)

  4. If you also want the Windows key to be part of the hotkey, check the last box

  5. Click confirm

How to go through the setup wizard again?

  1. Clear setup wizard data from the info page with the debug actions

  2. Click on patch notes

  3. Click on new to module


Blur corner is not rounded

This feature is only supported for Windows 11 or above.


How do I reinstall a module?

  1. Click on debug options on the info page of settings

  2. Click on uninstall

  3. Select the last option, the module will be removed after that

  4. Install the module again by pressing the download button

Last updated